what the fuck guys.. my name is not JUSTIN. D:
michelle went home today! so im home all alone now! except for parentals.. but sophias gone too. she went to retreat. ewwie
michelle and i watched GI Joe before her momma picked her up, and it was so QUEER. this korean little boy in japan starts talking in korean to this other japanese grandpa guy
and that japanese guy talks to him in JAPANESE.
whats with these lame producers?! its so ridiculous how they think no one will notice.. or how theyre too lazy to make japan into korea. i bet they did that cause no one knows where korea is. LOL. idk. GI joe was lame. we made fun of it the whole time.
we kept "wtf-ing" cause it was so ridiculous. and corny.
dont watch it guys! i dont recommend it unless you plan on wasting 10.50$ or if you want to count how many times they cover the asian guy's mouth whenever he says something. LOL.
me and michelle think they purposely covered the korean ninja guy's mouth so you wouldnt be able to tell that they replaced his voice with some other asian guy's, who speaks better english than him ahaha
apparently the korean guy is some famous celebrity in korea. michelle says his name is lee byun hun. ew koreans hahah
in one scene, he coveres his mouth with a ninja star and says something really corny
in another scene, the camera goes somewehre off when he starts talking
in another scence, he turns his head and he says some other lamething, and you can only see his back!
and then in ANOTHER scene, he has his ninja mask on so you can only see his eyes and his mouth is covered.. so you cant really see that he's talking!
there are, however, some scenes where you can see his lips moving when he's talking, but its kind of off... iono. i could have just been seeing things but me and michelle really think that the producers got some other person to say his lines. bahahah
michelle and i got pizza and took old school photos after the movie :]
actually it isnt that baddd but still -_-
but anyways today i hung out withh justin kathy chavy justine and michelle, it was pretty chill I HAVENT SEEN CHAVY ALL SUMMER omg that boyy!!! soo angry :[
i cant suprise visit him cuz avalon…ugh gated areas :/
mk goodbye
OMGG im craving some thai tea..NOOooo im so thurstyy :[[
justine had thai tea today! with michelle and chris! :D we went to go eat pho…
so my day.
today, we decided to go to michaels this morning to get some new screen printing supplies. first off, we’d like to have at least 1 screen, emulsion, the sensitizer, emulsion remover, and a scoup coater.
chris came over to swoop and bring us to michaels, but when we got there we couldnt find what we were looking for! and all they had was some shitty “YUDU” machine! chris had to go to Big5 to get some new handwraps for his mui thai (spelling?) class, so we went there after. Then we headed off to the michaels in mc carthy, hoping they’d have other screen printing supplies in stalk. however, when we got there they only had that stupid Yudu machine too!
[so, a yudu machine is like a screen printing wannabe thing for lame rich people who dont really know how to screen print and dont like getting messy.personally, i think they are for pussys. and the whole machine costs like freaking $300 and you cant even use any other inks/transparancies/squeegies! the instruction says its like.. not allowed or something. as if some other brand of ink is going to destroy the whole machine… its so lame.. michelle and i think that Yudu’s just saying that to make money… and/or they purposely made it that way so you can only use their shit. so ridiculous :[ their little bottle of ink costs like freaking 7~10$! freaking retarded!]
we were so angry..
then, since we were in mc carthy we decided to go get some pho
#6. Thai Tea.
after lunch we came home and michelle couldnt stop cleaning my room. hhaha idk why but she has a lot of fun doing so. i hate cleaning my room… and i insisted that she stop but she said she was having fun and she liked doing it. hm. idk. chris played call of duty and then took a nap. then left at 5. he also forgot his handwraps. lol
michelle continued cleaning for a long time, and then she took a break & we watched a children’s horse movie thing (“Spirit”) with some popcorn. lol
she cleaned my room some more after that, and OH i got some new hooks on my wall! i have more room to hang up my bags now :]]]]
then she vacuumed
and cleaned
and now my room is very clean!
she even vacuumed behind my bed! :X it was so nastyy and dustyy there…. i envy her brave-ness……
yesterday, we found someone on craiglist in the EASTBAY selling 4 screens for $30 and some emulsion! (THATS CHEAP!) the heading of her post on craiglist said that she was from the MISSION DISTRICT. we emailed them after seeing their post, and they replied back after we had come home from lunch today. we emailed her back, saying we were interested in purchasing her screens, and so she gave us her address & #, and that she’d be home by 9pm and we could pick it up by then.
we googled mapped her address, and it said it should take 7 mins to get to her house.
so around 9, we called her and told her we were coming. my momma took the car, and we were trying to put her address on the navi but her address didnt show up! it was so bizzare! her address digits were in the 1000’s, but the navi said there were only 4500’s to 4700’s! or something like that.. we thought the navi was just being weird, so we just decided to go to the street and look for the numbers ourselves. but when we got there, there were houses that only wet fromthe 4500’s to the 4700’s! at the end of the street it merged onto another street, so that it was not the same street anymore! there was no 1000!
we called the woman up, thinking that she had made a mistake or something.. and meant to put a 4000 instead of a 1000
but she got irritated :[ she was really mean. we called her about 2 times after that, and she got angry, and told us she was from the mission dristrict in FRISCO…
now we are home and we are very disappointed..